who we are
School, nursery and library furnishings
Gonzagarredi has been designing, manufacturing and marketing innovative and custom furniture for nurseries, schools, book and media libraries and cultural centers since 1975.
Nurseries and preschools
Natural wood and desaturated colors are intentionally used to prevent color from intruding into the child’s perceptive experience to an excessive extent. Since they are so delicate, the shades do nothing to detract from the colors used by the children and their teachers. Thus educators can “personalize” the classrooms and add colors to highlight the activities in which the children take part as they explore their world.

Primary and secondary schools
Furnishings designed to create functional environments in primary and secondary schools
Gonzagarredi creates multifunctional furnishing systems for libraries and buildings used for cultural activities: book check-out counters, bookshelves, display shelves, containers, cupboards, tables, chairs, etc.

Montessori materials
GAM can define itself as the History of Montessori materials, not just because it started, grew and established itself in Maria Montessori’s country, but because it was in collaboration with our firm (then known as “Ernesto Bassoli e Figli” and afterwards “Società Anonima per il Materiale Montessori”) that Maria Montessori produced the first materials. Gonzagarredi is one of only three companies in the world that produce Montessori educational material with the supervision and certification of Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) , headquartered in Amsterdam.

This is our mission: to cast a ray of light and pass on.
Maria Montessori
Some of our products
Gonzagarredi has furnished thousands of nurseries and pre-schools, primary and junior schools and libraries in both Italy and abroad.
Our products conform to the latest technical standards in force in the sector. All have been successfully tested in accredited laboratories for safety, resistance and toxicity.

To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.
Maria Montessori
Some of our projects
Our Italian design furnishings are safe and built with materials and finishes of utmost quality and compliance with the most stringent European technical standards (UNI-EN).
Goog reasons to choose GAM
Pedagogically specialized environments. Certified quality of materials
and products.
Innovative projects
Our Research & Development Department, with the advice of experts from various fields, constantly works on the technical perfection and stylistic renewal of our lines and products.
Personalized solutions
Multiyear warranties and after-sales service. Corporate and product safety certifications. Design layouts and custom furnishings. Technical and pedagogical consultancy.
Pedagogical approach
The solutions offered are tailored to the customer's needs: from the first contact to the assembly of the furniture, Gonzagarredi follows its customers every step of the way.
Certified quality
Our products conform to the latest technical standards in force in the sector with non-toxic paints and dyes, Class E1 formaldehyde limits, Class 1 wooden furniture on request and Class 1IM soft elements, according to Italian Ministerial Decree of 16th July 2014. All have been successfully tested in accredited laboratories for safety, resistance and toxicity.
In the GAM central department was set up a Montessori museum – MEMO– which also included an events room. The exhibition holds a series of educational materials designed by the great Italian educator Maria Montessori.